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VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS Whether you live locally or are just passing through, if you’re reading these lines you no doubt realise that one of the best ways of visiting Bordeaux is, quite simply, on foot!  These hand-crafted tours,  an extension of the  Invisible Bordeaux website , will enable you to discover the many wonders that the south-western French city of Bordeaux has to offer.  Featuring thoroughly-researched historical, architectural and cultural information combined with original photography, each tour gives the full story behind the UNESCO world heritage-listed city’s rich tapestry of landmarks. Five city-centre tours are currently available, so get your walking boots on and enjoy Bordeaux from street level! And yes, these guides are totally free and no user data is collected. I wouldn't even know what to do with it anyway! Browse the walks available on this website, and track the itineraries on the interactive Googlemap! Que vous viviez ...
Recent posts

Essential Bordeaux / Les incontournables

VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS This self-guided walking tour reveals the rich tapestry of spectacular sights and impressive landmarks that have earned the city UNESCO world heritage status. Sharing tales that range from history to architecture and general culture, the city-centre walk will provide you with a close-up look at some of the best-known landmarks in Bordeaux, giving you the full story behind each of these essential postcard-friendly sights! Starting point: Place de la Comédie (Grand-Théâtre line B tram stop or Quinconces, lines B, C or D) Finishing point: Esplanade des Quinconces 15 sights Length: 4 kilometres Duration: approximately 2 hours Click here to track the itinerary on the interactive Googlemap (follow the black line) > Download the free walking tour by clicking here, or view it below: Cette visite à pied autoguidée révèle les nombreux sites spectaculaires et monuments impressionnants qui ont valu à la ville de Bordeaux d'être classée au patrimoine mondi...

Secret Sights / Les insolites

VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS This self-guided walking tour demonstrates that Bordeaux is a city that works on many levels.  While many of its spectacular landmarks are ever-present on postcards and in guidebooks, some of the most fascinating features of Bordeaux are well-kept secrets that are barely noticed by locals, let alone by visitors. This oddball tour around central Bordeaux reveals these charming secrets and will enable you to see the invisible… Starting point:  Place Gambetta (Gambetta line B tram stop) Finishing point:   Galerie Bordelaise (Rue Sainte-Catherine) 15 sights Length:  4 kilometres Duration:  approximately 2 hours Click here to track the itinerary on the interactive Googlemap (follow the dark blue line) > Download the free walking tour by clicking here, or view it below: Bordeaux est une ville multidimensionnelle. Si nombre de ses sites spectaculaires sont omniprésents sur les cartes postales et dans les guides, certaines des caractéri...

Elegant Bordeaux / Les beaux quartiers

VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS The fine architecture, elegant streets, peaceful market squares and magnificent churches of the Chartrons and Saint-Seurin districts are among the most delightful sights that Bordeaux has to offer.  This meandering walk will reveal a side of the city that has prospered over the centuries and continues to enjoy an affluent present. Each building, each statue and each plaque has a fascinati ng story to tell… Starting point:  CAPC modern art museum (CAPC line B tram stop or Quinconces, lines B, C or D) Finishing point:   Cours Clémenceau (near Esplanade des Quinconces) 15 sights Length:  6 kilometres Duration:  approximately 3 hours Click here to track the itinerary on the interactive Googlemap (follow the red line) > Download the free walking tour by clicking here, or view it below: Cette promenade explore l'architecture raffinée, les rues élégantes, les places de marché paisibles et les magnifiques églises des quartiers des Char...

Authentic Bordeaux / Bordeaux authentique

VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS This self-guided walking tour will take you through the down-to-earth neighbourhoods of Bordeaux.  From busy squares to quiet side-streets dotted with traditional abodes, this is where the city’s true centre of gravity lies. We will also encounter surprising architecture, spectacular places of worship, old gates into the city, fountains, statues, and, yes, a Jaguar hanging over the edge of the upper level of a car park. Are you ready to explore Bordeaux’s authentic side? Starting point:  Place de la Victoire (Victoire line B tram stop) Finishing point:   Place du Général-Sarrail (near Place de la Victoire) 14 sights Length:  6 kilometres Duration:  approximately 3 hours Click here to track the itinerary on the interactive Googlemap (follow the orange line) > Download the free walking tour by clicking here, or view it below: Cette balade vous fera découvrir les quartiers du Bordeaux populaire. De places animées aux petites rues tr...

The Right Bank / La rive droite

VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS While the Bordeaux neighbourhoods on the left bank of the river Garonne may claim to be the city’s historic centre of gravity, some of the most interesting sights in Bordeaux lie across the historic Pont de Pierre bridge, from curious architectural endeavours to fascinating botanic gardens.  This tour will guide you through the streets and lanes of the right-bank La Bastide quarter, and will let you uncover some of its many hidden wonders! Starting point: P lace Stalingrad (Tram line A Stalingrad stop) Finishing point:   also Place Stalingrad (Tram line A Stalingrad stop) 15 sights Length:  4.5 kilometres Duration:  approximately 2.5 hours Click here to track the itinerary on the interactive Googlemap (follow the light blue line) > Download the free walking tour by clicking here, or view it below: Si les quartiers bordelais de la rive gauche de la Garonne peuvent se targuer d'être le centre de gravité historique de la ville, certains ...

Credits & bibliography

VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS The walking tours are an offshoot of the Invisible Bordeaux website , which documents the city’s more unusual sights and obscure stories.  As well as the original blog, you can follow Invisible Bordeaux on Instagram , Facebook , X/Twitter , and Youtube . And full credit to Adam Roberts at Invisible Paris whose original concept inspired all of the above. Recommended real-world guided tours include those provided by the official Bordeaux tourism bureau Bordeaux Tourisme & Congrès , Bordeaux Walking Tours , and Marie Hallier . All map data ©OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA. If you would like to provide feedback about this walking tour, or perhaps have spotted something that has changed or a landmark that has inexplicably disappeared, please send an email to ! Text and pictures ©2024 Tim Pike.  Ces visites guidées sont une émanation du site web Invisible Bordeaux , qui documente les sites les plus insolites et...